2D Rabbit
February 15 and 22 (Saturday) from 2 to 5 pm
February 15 and 22 (Saturday) from 2 to 5 pm

This awesome rabbit piece comes to life right before your eyes by using a couple of key needle felting techniques.
This awesome rabbit piece comes to life right before your eyes by using a couple of key needle felting techniques.
Prerequisite Skills: Basic needle felting skills
Key Techniques Taught:
- How to card and blend wool to get the colors you want
- How to shingle wool to develop layers to shade and highlight
Supply Kit: $5.00
Class Size: Maximum of 6 students
Cost: $30.00
Instructor: Connie Swindoll
Sign Up Instructions: Sign up at the store or call Maurine at 541-936-4677 and she will sign you up.
Knitty Gritty Yarn Store, 824 S. Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355 541-936-4677
Knitty Gritty Yarn Store, 824 S. Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355 541-936-4677